Angela Platt Poet & Jazz Singer
May 1944 -Â May 2020

A Bit About Me
Born in Cardiff, Angela missed the mountains, yearned to be amongst them after raising a family and teaching in Lincolnshire. Her creative energy is invigorated by Welsh landscape.
Angela has written poetry most of her adult life. Reaching new levels of consciousness as her writing career develops, she is now intent on breaking that silence.
Angela Platt’s poems can be found in a score of small presses including Orbis, The Interpreter’s House, The French Literary Review, and Poetry News. Her work has also appeared in several competitions and anthologies.
She won second prize in Southport’s 2015 Poetry Competition and was shortlisted for Best Poem in National Memory Day’s 2017 and 2018 competitions. Third prize in the Prole Laureate Competition, 2020.

Angela also founded the flourishing Newport STANZA poetry group for The Poetry Society and has run two, weekly creative writing groups locally for four years. Angela enjoys reading poems at open mic events in Wales where she returned, following a teaching career in Lincolnshire.
Angela has until very recently attended poetry courses twice yearly herself.. There is always something new to learn. Putting her poetry first is a luxury she would like to exercise in the short time available to her.